Friday, August 7, 2009

Guest Bedroom Construction

Oh my goodness, talk about a PROJECT! With the in-laws arriving this Tuesday, we have been in a FLURRY trying to get their room ready for them!
The problem began last fall when just months after moving in we discovered the upstairs window sills were rotted out and were leaking into the house.

Do you see how this room had a drop ceiling? Well, I've lost the picture of exactly what that was hiding (behind three layers of panels in some places!), but it resulted in this enormous, moldy hole:

There's Hubby putting in new insulation after all the wet, moldy insulation has been stripped out, the studs were scrubbed and everything left to dry over the winter. You can also see where the plaster just fell off the wall and ceiling in some places from all that trapped moisture. Once the insulation was in we put up new drywall panels.

And then we started the plastering:

Which began a two week cycle of plaster, and sand...

Plaster ...

And sand...

Until FINALLY, the room was ready to prime! Though first we had to sand all the trim really well because all the paint was peeling off... but then we got to prime!!

Do you see that BEAUTIFUL, SMOOTH ceiling and wall?!

After almost a year of that room looking like a construction zone, this feels like a miracle!!

Tomorrow we're on to painting the ceiling, trim, doors and walls. After that the drip clothes come up and we have to find a way to get the last of the plaster dust up... then all that newly painted white furniture goes in!

And Tuesday the parents show up!

I'll share with everyone what the finished room looks like after the in-laws arrive, because I want it to be a surprise for them!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog! Be sure to follow so you can see what I finally do with all my treasures! I may even take some of your awesome advice! Thanks again & happy blogging!
