Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The In-law guest bedroom REVEALED

August is a crazy crazy month around here. Between the four family birthdays, family vacation, and all the normal summer activities, the blog takes a backseat! But I promised the new guest room reveal, so with minimal commentary, here it is:

This was from the home inspection.


For those that want the full story, read on:

Note the drop ceiling. For more on why the drop ceiling was there, read about the window sill debacle.

Then there was the IN BETWEEN period:


The wall color is Sheer Green by Valspar (6007-7A).

The trim and doors are untinted white base from ACE.

Yes, I intentionally painted the outside of the door a different color than all the inside doors and trim. The pure white just looked too stark in the brown hallway.


All of the white furniture is hand-me-downs or roadside finds united by three coats of primer and a light coat of the un-tinted white used on the trim. Except for the bed, which I found for $75 on Craigslist last fall.

And finally, with accessories, DONE :

The sconces were from Old Sturbridge Village ages and ages ago and have been hiding in a box in the basement. The mirror was from TJMaxx (I plucked it from the living room, taking one from the dining room to put there!), and the curtains were bought a few years ago from Target and rescued from my WWII storage trunk.

I picked the wild-flower bouquet from the field behind the house. That was a bit of an adventure in itself... did you know bees come to collect pollen around sunset? I didn't... The vase is a candle holder from HomeGoods, $6.99 if I remember right.

The little shelf above the bed was left in another room by the previous owner. We touched up the white paint, added new brackets and hung it here. Family photos and a small model ship fill it nicely for now.

On the nightstand is a brass and enamel bowl from India for last minute jewelry removal. The photo is another family shot, this one from my brother-in-law's wedding. The lamp was $12.99 at Christmas Tree Shop.

And finally the ladies from Brimfield hang above the bookcase ($55 for the pair.)

Well there it is! I'm quite pleased with it. The room simply glows when the afternoon light filters in through those yellow curtains and onto the pale green walls. The only problem now is that I keep drifting down the hall to admire it, forgetting that there may be a sleeping parent in there!

What do you think?


  1. I lovely relaxing guest bedroom!
    The wall color is perfect to take some rest.

  2. This is a very soothing guest room. I know I would enjoy a room like this! Good job.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. Glad to know I have "company" when it comes to reorganizing!

  3. Bright and cheery! I love how the room has the 2 corner windows!

    ` Pam

  4. Your room turned out so pretty. Love the new wall color.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Wow, what a wonderful transformation into such a gorgeous room. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  6. Great transformation.

    I hope you will come over and check out this weeks Knock off and I bet you have some things you could post to the KNOCK OFF KNOCK OUT Party.
    Its So Very Cheri

  7. I like the Sheer Green color. I prefer new new bright woodwork. I know that you ate a lot dust working on the ceiling. Thanks for showing us.

  8. We purchased a house built in 1960 and have had a lot of issues too. I can so relate to your fix ups. We thought we were getting a house free of problems -- until we moved in.

    You did a great job on the bedroom and on the window replacements, too.
