Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Spain, Barcelona

Ready for more photos from Spain? Well, like I said in my Valencia post, the biggest reason I chose Barcelona for the vacation portion of our Spain trip was because I wanted to see some Gaudi design, so there's a lot of that in here! Prepare yourself! ( I suggest a beverage and a snack... and mascara. I need mascara for just about anything.)
Good! Here we go to Barcelona!

First stop: Segrada Familia!
Proof we were there. 

Passion Facade, Segrada Familia
Passion Facade, Segrada Familia
Nativity Facade, Segrada Familia
Nativity Facade, Segrada Familia
Random church we passed on the way to Segrada Familia. 
La Padrera- this was on the corner of the street we were staying on, so it was our landmark for where to turn. So Cool!
Casa Batllo at night.

Casa Batllo and neighboring building, check out that line! (It wasn't too bad, actually.)
Casa Batllo interior.
Casa Batllo interior.
Casa Batllo interior.
Casa Batllo cool ceiling.
Casa Batllo stairway door.
Casa Batllo roof-line.
Casa Batllo, the "dragon's" back.
I may have loved the building to the left of Casa Batllo even more! (Puig i Cadafalch’s Casa Amatller) 
Isn't it pretty?
Port Vell by night.
Ancient church and statue we found while lost. It is in the guide book, but I forget...

Push-up leggings? Sign me up! (Unfortunately I could never find this store while it was open.)
H&M... in a castle......
Imprints on sidewalk on Passeig de Gracia. 
Anyone who says Spaniards have no sense of humor clearly never saw this sculpture!

Gaudi's Parc Guell.
Detail of ceiling in first structure of Parc Guell. 

Posing with the famous mosaic lizard.

A long line of vendors taking advantage of the masses of tourists. There was a police raid while we were there- those guys can pick up and move FAST!
Cool cave-like passage. 

Me and a view from the park.
These guitarists were fantastic (I bought their CD!)

Chillin' out, listening to the music. 
The backside of that bench we're sitting on. 
Lunch at the beach. 
Very pretty beach!
Such stylish people everywhere!
Arc de Triomf- everyone needs one!
Palau de la Musica Catalana.

Sneaky interior shot (through the window) of the Palau de la Musica.

Exterior of Cathedral... Barcelona? I forget which this is!

Beautiful light in Santa Maria del Mar.

Stained glass in Santa Maria del Mar. 

Santa Maria del Mar.

Santa Maria del Mar. ( I went a little nuts with pictures in here!)

Very unusual stained glass windows in Santa Maria del Mar. 

Interesting light and shadows. 
La Boqueria. 

Incredible displays!

Fresh squeezed juice, anyone?

How about some mushrooms?

No? How about a couple of goats heads? AH!

Statue at Museu Nacional d'art de Catalunya- she made me feel so svelte!

Haris ponders the male statue. 

And finally, the view of the sun setting over Barcelona from Museu Nacional d'art de Catalunya . If  you blow the picture up you can see the Segrada Familia in the backround!

PHEW! I don't know about you guys, but that was a little exhausting for me!  
Well, now we're back home getting into the Christmas spirit (some of us more than others!) I've already started on a few projects I'll be sharing, so check back for the start of sparkly season!

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