Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cool Style Quiz

Hey Guys!
I know some people hate these quizzes, if you're one of those people you might want to excuse yourself now! (But come back later, I'll have more on things like mascara and DIY projects soon!)
Well Meg over at Pigtown Design pointed us, her gentle readers, toward a fun style quiz. Check out what your style might be here!
My results:

Results: You most resemble a "Bespoke Classic".
Center hall, formal dining, stately living. Your kitchen is your prize. Decorative, finished… elegant. Resort, retreat, getaway - all inside your bedroom. Players have their exits and entrances… your home the stage. Your relaxed table atmosphere is enjoyed by everyone. Your 3rd coffee and just beginning to be productive. Pre-war, upper east side attitude. Always intriguing, never clumsy. .
Suspected "Bespoke Classic"
- Princess Diana
- Fred Astaire
- Ralph Lauren
Love it!!
: )

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