Friday, September 2, 2011

Meet Olive!

Hey Everyone!
I'd like to introduce you to the newest addition to our family, little Olive!

Actually, her proper name is Olive Tapenade (because all the animals in the house have names that begin with 'T',) but that's a bit of a mouth-full, so we call her Olive for short!
She was rescued in upstate NY by a very nice woman who found her starving in a field and brought her to her house a nursed her back to health and then passed her on to us. Talk about a good heart and generous spirit!

It took about 36 hours for Olive to decide that we were ok people and that she didn't have to live under the bed. After letting her get a quick look at Toby and Tembo, I think she's going to be the bossy little queen of the house once we let her join the crew full time! For now, however, she's busy eating as much food as fast as she possibly can (which I'm doing my best to regulate!), and hopefully build up a little muscle on that tiny frame!


  1. She's so pretty! Glad she's getting a little more comfortable.

  2. I'm not sure I like the way this new cat looks like she owns my bed. I am going to return for another visit.
