Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sunroom Makeover!

Hey Everyone!
I know it's been awhile since I posted a teaser picture about my sunroom re-do, but there's been a lot going on!
Cutting straight to the point, here is the evolution:
Before we moved in:

(At inspection:)

Before (with our stuff and new chandelier):

Middle: (Slapped up some yellow paint, made new curtains)

I must not have been particularly impressed with the color right off since this was one of the only photos I could find!


Ok, for those of you that want details, keep reading. If you just want more eye candy, scroll down!

The first step was to rip out that awful acoustic tile:

Underneath we found this:

And a roof!

Well that answers my question about whether the sunporch was original to the house, or an addition! Hubby pulled down all those cross bars that the tiles had been stapled to, and I set to spraying all that wood!

We used the Porter-Cable PSH1 Gravity Feed Spray Gun on all the vertical surfaces (the beams and walls), and rolled the ceiling, using the sprayer to blend the corners.

Boy am I glad we decided to work from the top down, because paint dust got everywhere! (Nice sunset, though, huh?)
It took 3 or 4 coats (the 4th was a touch-up) to keep the wood from showing through.

I used one coat of Olympic VOC free primer and 2.5 coats of Du Jour by Valspar.
Next up was that rug!

Eww! I can't tell you how badly I've been wanting to rip that out since the second I laid eyes on it!

Seeing how much filth is always under wall-to-wall carpets makes me hate them even more! But I was thrilled at the condition of the ply-wood underneath!

I know, an odd thing to be thrilled about. But new flooring isn't in the current budget, so I was counting on being able to paint it, and the floor under the dining room rug had been all warped and splintered.

But this was perfect!
Next up was painting the walls:

I custom mixed two paints for this color, about 40% Lettuce Alone by Olympic with 60%(ish) DuJour by Valspar. Two coats, no primer (I was getting lazy!) I also was afraid to wait for warm weather any longer, so the paint kept sagging because the walls were so cold!

Nothing a little diligence and a few touch-ups couldn't save, though!

Then came the floor paint, which Hubby thought should be as light as possible to keep things nice and bright in there. We used Chowder in Valspar's Porch and Floor paint. (Which, in hind sight, I should have objected to more strenuously. I loved the idea, but Oh! The mess from drippy mint juleps and muddy feet at the Derby party!!)
And I know I took pictures... I definitely did... I remember having trouble with the glare... but I can't find them...
So we'll move right on to the finished product:

Ta Da!
You may have noticed that I painted all the brown wicker a nice clean white:

(A project made easy with my new spray gun!)
I managed to finish my first slip-cover in time to get the couch out!

Although if I were buying the fabric now rather than using the $1/yard stuff I got at Walmart like 6 years ago, I would have picked heaver weight so it wouldn't wrinkle so much! Oh well, live and learn, it's certainly better than it was before!
Mom did a super-speedy slip for the matching chair the day before the party, and look how cute it is! (All that experience makes a difference, I guess!)

She even managed to eek enough leftover from the Laura Ashley print I'd bought to recover the wicker cushions to make a complimentary back pillow!

You can see the old fabric on the wicker loveseat here:

The colors were fine, but they're starting to wear through on the edges. I swapped the trunk we were using before as a coffee table on the porch with the glass one in the living room.

I love the way it reflects the light and the trees!

I did another leftover paint mix to paint the old side-table light blue (it was one of those horrid oak folding things.) It works great for the TV that normally lives upstairs in the guest room!

A candle-ier in each corner for some mood lighting. (oops, forgot to move the mint julep jug!)

Love this one my sister got me, it's so pretty!
A few accessories for pops of color, like the rippled throw from Cynthia Rowley:

And the pillow to match. A blue glass candle holder for a little variety... and of course some light reading material!

But of course the real highlight of the porch is the view:

Which I've had very little to do with! Even the cat likes it!

Well, that was a LONG post! I hope you all enjoyed the makeover- I know we certainly are!!

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