Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Couch... (cover!)

About 5 years ago, just before we were married, Hubby and I decided to go buy our first big "real" furniture together. As the main piece of furniture in the living room at that time was a futon from his bachelor days, we decided a couch was in order. After much hunting (and sitting, lounging, and napping... couch shopping is hard work!) we decided on a down blend number that was large enough for us both to snuggle on, but still tailored, and only about twice what we'd planned to pay! When choosing the upholstery I enthusiastically (and stupidly) picked a sunny yellow cotton twill.

It was so pretty and cheerful...
The sales lady assured me that by purchasing the stain protection plan I would never have to worry about my couch getting dirty- HA! Of course the first time I called to report a stain they wheedled their way out of that plan, but that's a different story altogether... So time passed and kids came and jumped around with grape juice in sippy cups, and the dogs snuck up there to nap, and then we got the cats and they adopted the couch... you know, life happened.
Anyhoo, I decided with the holidays coming up the couch deserved a little present too. So I bought her a new dress:

Nothing super fancy, just one of those sure-fit stretchy covers. But it's a very pretty purple jacquard velvet,

That is very similar in color to the curtains on the other side of the room:

And it looks much better with the pink walls than the yellow did!

So now Hubby can spill all he wants and not a thing shows! Of course getting the white cat hair out of that stretch velvet might just kill me, but I'm enjoying it for the moment!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh very nice! Will this be a year-round covering or only wintertime?
