Friday, November 6, 2009

Guest Bed/Dressing Room Makeover!


The before shots are from the home inspection. As you can see the room was done up in army colors with walls alternating in tan and green.

The varnish on the woodwork (from the 50's) was flaking off, and whoever had the rage issue had made holes all over this room, too.
Actually, this room scared me a little bit since most of the holes seemed to be head height punch marks, and the door to the room was missing. We found it in a trash pile in the garage- it had been punched through right above the door knob, like someone had tried to lock themself in, and someone else had broken through. Scary stuff.
So the first thing I decided to do was give the room an exorcism- a color exorcism! I thought, "What is the exact opposite of army drab?" So I went out to Home Depot and picked a color from the Disney line called Invitation to a Princess!
This room was the second bedroom on the same floor as the master, so it was going to basically be my dressing room. As such, I was free to do whatever I wanted!

I figured no evil spirits would want to hang around inspiring anger and violence in a pretty princess room! So it sat like this for about a year, until it felt ready for a change. (Actually, it was after I painted the master that very light grey and realized these rooms really wanted that- before that I couldn't figure out to do with such a long, skinny and SHORT space!)

It seems I never took pictures of it, and only remembered to get some for the next transformation after I'd already move everything around and begun priming!

It was a big job- all the trim needed to be sanded, primed and painted a couple of times, the walls needed priming and painting, the ceiling needed painting, and I had to figure out what to do about the closet door with the giant hole in it! The two undamaged panels I painted white, like I did in the rest of the house, but what do I do with this?:

Ok, you caught me, I forgot to take a real before picture again! So maybe you can tell what I did... but this is the damage those punch marks did to the BACK of the door, so you can imagine what a mess the front was!

The walls are Faded Hydrangea from the Better Homes and Gardens collection at Walmart, but was mixed at Lowes in Valspar paint (they did a VERY good job with the color match!)

The trim and closet doors are untinted white from ACE.

As is my sewing table, which used to be an ugly fake-oak laminate. (yes, lots of primer there!)

Since this is in theory a guest room I put a single bed in daybed style- it's good for watching TV when the main one is in use!

And as you can see, my solution to the closet door was to upholster it!

I used a polyester shantung- I admit to really wanting to use the silk shantung since that was GORGEOUS! But that seemed a little impractical, and expensive... and in person the poly is actually a pretty good imitation (until you touch it...)
I used the leftovers to make a skirt for the sewing table:

Which I see now needs to be steamed! Funny how those creases show up so much better in a picture... oh well!

And finally, it being a dressing room and all, I figured a little shrine to my hottest shoes would be appropriate!

So there it is, my new and improved, MUCH prettier girlie dressing room!

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