Saturday, October 17, 2009


All this chilly weather is making me want to build little nests all over the house. You know, cozy little spots to cuddle up with a blanket, book and cup of cocoa (or tea, or coffee... you get the idea...)
So a few days ago I rearranged the living room furniture while Hubby was on the phone. (Meaning spontaneously, and to surprise him. Judging from the frequency he brings it up in conversation, he really enjoys coming home to new furniture arrangements or wall colors, but him being at home so much leaves little opportunity to indulge! So, while on the phone...)

Mostly I rearranged things to create this little corner:

I would love to change out the wicker for something a bit more cozy, but hey- you work with what you've got!

Place to put your feet up: check!
Place to put your tea down: check!
Good reading light: Check!
Something a little fuzzy: Check!
Sparkle and scent: Check! (That's a cinnamon scented candle on the shelf.)

Cozy little corner: CHECK!!

Bring in on, New England!


  1. Meg, I'm down to the "OK, New England, bring it on...." text and just love the thought-process-check-off. Very cool brain to fingers to page. The juxtaposition of menu/intent from the beginning of the "recipe" to the end is literary.


  2. Meg - I am not anonymous. Maybe multi-personality, but not anonymous. Couldn't figure out the little icons and didn't remember my password.

    -Dad DJ (West coast/WA, etc)
