Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Stinky Cat

Hubby and I were in Vegas again last week for 8 days. I was SO happy to come home! Until I got home and noticed a strange smell.
Was it the garbage? No...
The sink? Maybe... but cleaning that didn't help.
And then cute little Toby came and curled up next to me. He stank!! So I stuck my nose a little closer and realized it was SKUNK!
After investigating a bit it seems like a skunk came into the garage at some point while Toby was in there taking refuge from the rain, and there was an altercation. Fortunately there wasn't much in the garage to absorb the stench, so that has been airing out pretty well, but last night I came to the conclusion that the cat was NOT going to air out.
Something needed to be done.
And that something was a tomato juice bath.
Toby was NOT happy.

But he was surprisingly tolerant. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the actual bath, it was a two person job and when I proposed running to get a shot of him covered in tomato juice, Hubby pointed out that on a white cat it just looked like we had slaughtered him!
But we didn't! He's fine! And he was even eager for hugs right after.

Once he sorted himself out a bit anyway.
So the bath went well. The bad part? I missed. I forgot to have Hubby move his hands so I could wash the WHOLE cat, so the cat's chest still smells like skunk. And I feel WAY too guilty to bathe him again so soon. Maybe if I give him a few more days he'll air out after all...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Madame,
    Fun post about your poor kitty! I'm glad you and hubby agreed not to post the picture of him covered in diluted tomato juice!

    I'm enjoying checking out your older posts as well. I like the pink doors!

    Thanks for the nice comment you left for me. Hope our paths cross again soon. Have a nice weekend.

