Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nancy's Airfield Cafe

Just about twenty minutes north on 495 there is a charming little restaurant called Nancy's Airfield Cafe.

Hubby has been going there for lunch for a couple of years since his office is only about 10 minutes away, and he's been telling me how good it is all that time. I must confess I doubted him.

I think I was thrown by its being an airport. I mean, airport food is hardly anything to get excited about, generally speaking. But boy was I wrong!

I ordered the Vermont Country Club, which I promptly ate half of before I remembered I was supposed to take a picture. It was taken out of the ordinary level of sandwich fare by the addition of sweet pickled red onions- YUM!

Unfortunately no planes came or went while we were there, though we did see the helicopter take off.

But between the excellent food, the handsome company, and the lovely garden out front, this is a place that I will definitely be returning to!

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