Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guest Bed Makeover

Hello All! I'm particularly pleased with this metamorphosis because HOLY COW what a change! On of the two downstairs bedrooms has gone from dark, dirty, and a little smelly, to bright, cheery and totally charming!
Here is what the room looked like before we moved in:

When we actually did move in all of the stickers and drawing were still taped and glued to the walls, ceiling...

and even the ceiling fan!

It was originally supposed to be my sewing room, and the other room (with the window that faced the brook) was supposed to be the guest bedroom, so this room was pretty low down on the makeover list. However, the discovery that there was a major leak in the ceiling of that room coming from the rotted out upstairs window-sill (our inspector missed that!) made THIS room the guest room, thereby popping it pretty close to the top of the "to-do" list.
Seriously, would you want guests to have to sleep in a room with carpet stains like this?

The whole thing was like that! Oh, and those are the glow-in-the-dark frogs that we pried, scraped and goo-goned off the wall.

Oh, but when the scraping was done! And after I had primed and painted THREE coats of yellow! And the carpet was up!!

Look at that floor!! I pried up all the tack-strips and staples with minimal damage (honestly, how can someone STAPLE into such a great hardwood floor?!)

I painted all those awful fake-wood doors white:

Oh! What a difference!
AND THEN! We got the bed down there:

So cheery!

That's a south facing window, and when the sun streams in there I just want to crawl in with a book and enjoy the little hide-away!

I still have some details to figure out- all the curtains and the bedspread are just what I had around (though they look cute!) And the nightstand is a little awkwardly tucked in the corner there for lack of a better place:

There's absolutely no art on the walls at this point, the long skinny window still needs a curtain, and while the fan looks MUCH better without the stars:

I'm pretty sure something a little the spot-light-like would be cozier!

But even so, much better, no?

To see other great moments of change and inspiration, stop over at Metamorphosis Monday with Susan at Between Naps on the Porch!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That is a huge difference .. Love the yellow, so much more cheery. Can't believe that beautiful hardwood was covered and hidden away like that.. Thank goodness you came a long and rescued it. Thanks for sharing your transformation.
    Have a great week.

  2. much better indeed!
    those floors are fabulous!!

  3. What a difference! We have our house on the market, and I am not looking forward to what will need to be done in the next house. I get tired just thinking about it!

    Thanks for visiting my Blog!

    I love the cheery yellow! and I LOVE wood floors!

  4. Beautiful transformation. What a great place to have guests stay in. So bright and cheery. I would love to stay there. The floors are simply gorgeous. Love the new room. Hugs, Marty

  5. OK, that carpet was just gross!!! You must be SO happy that it's gone!!

    You did a great job making over the room. Love the hardwood flooring. Why would anyone put carpet over it?!

    The room looks very bright and cheery and welcoming now :-)

    Thanks for your comment on my Met Monday post. And thanks for crossing your fingers to keep the snow away!! Mine are crossed too!! And here's hoping your roses stay safe :-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  6. You are SO lucky that there was carpeting over those wonderful floors --otherwise there would have been STICKERS all over the hardwood!

    Lovely that is a guest room you can be proud to use!

  7. What a great transformation!!!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  8. What a beautiful cheerful room! The floors look amazing (I also had to remove staples with a pliers...not fun). You did a great job! It's a huge improvement!
