Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter Fun in the Suburbs

So what do you do when you live in the suburbs and are a little post-holiday broke?
Go cross-country skiing!

We've been eying that large, snow-laden field behind our house for awhile now, and my husband finally got on the phone and called all the sports retailers in the area to see if any rent cross country skis and what the prices are. Turns out that EMS, which is about 15 minutes from our house, does rent a full kit (boots, poles and skis) for $15/day, or $20 for the weekend, and because of the holiday he got to keep everything from Wednesday to Sunday for $20.

My sister's pointer dogs are with us for the week, and an old college buddy of my husband's was visiting, so we all got suited up and went for a romp in the field.

I think the dogs had fun.

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