Sunday, December 21, 2008

Holy Winter, Batman!

It's been snowing here in the MA suburbs pretty much non-stop since around noon on Friday, and it's supposed to keep going (with another 5-7 inches accumulation) until sometime tonight.

Thankfully we haven't had any more power outages since the two days from the ice storm last week (which did a number on all those lovely White Pines in the neighborhood.)

Who would have ever thought my chiminea would make such a perfect snowman? It makes me regret buying only baby carrots... Another few inches of snow and I really am going to have to go stick some eyes on that thing, the top hat effect is just too perfect!

Our yard has become a cut-through for all the neighborhood kids to get the the field to go sledding. I'm trying very hard to discourage my husband from stockpiling snowballs on the deck for a sneak attack next time he sees some kids. They travel in large packs, I think he would lose, and I worry about my windows...

Which, by the way, are home to some lovely and very dramatic icicles. If you look hard you can see that one goes to the bottom of the picture and beyond. (If you look very hard you can also see a preview of the new kitchen chandelier in the reflection!)

I think Toby-cat has begun missing the garden, because he's hanging out in the parsley pot...


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