Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Oasis, or a Desert?

When I began painting my house in technicolor- my fuchsia bathroom, orange dining room, the bright yellow swatches for the kitchen- friends and family asked me what my ideas were for my beige living room. I said to them, "I kind of like the color in the living room, I feel like it's an oasis of calm, a place for the eye to rest among all the excitement of the rest of the house." And I meant it.

Until one day, a few weeks ago, when I came down the stairs in the morning and looked at my living room and was absolutely revolted. This wasn't an oasis, it was a desert! A barren wasteland of blah! I furiously set to digging through anything I could use to add color- recovering the couches, hanging tapestries, adding rugs and throw pillows. Which had an effect of something like putting fake plants on y
our font porch- something was wrong. For about three days I tried to find a way to work with the color of the walls that I had professed to so adore. But the feeling did not pass, and I began perusing my inspiration file once again. (really, if you don't already collect pictures from ads and magazines of things you adore, start!!)

I had a vague idea that I wanted to do a shade of blue, but the shades I was leaning toward were feeling a little too dark, or too grey for the feeling I wanted. But then I found the perfect picture in the current issue of Elle Decor. Once I found that, I realized that a shade that I had dismissed as altogether too bright- light bright, not loud bright- was actually the color I wanted. Oddly enough it was the color my younger brother had picked out a few days earlier... maybe I should just ask him next time...

So I broke out the painting gear onc
e again and set to work. And about 6 hours later, my husband came home to a whole new room!

I am quite pleased with the result!!
Unfortunately, the mirror in the shape of a Moorish arch up in that top picture was the previous owner's, and all I have for the moment is an antique, possibly mercury glass, rectangular mirror to put in the same spot. I've framed a print I picked up in Italy in the mirror since my husband professes to be frightened by the distorted, speckled reflection the mirror shows. It's ok for now, but I'd love to find something like they had, I think it fits perfectly in that space and matches the style of the fireplace really well.
Another thing for the shopping list!

Time: 4ish hours- it takes me about an hour per wall to prep and paint.

Cost: $30- about $20 for one gallon of Dutch Boy in Clear Turquoise, plus a new tray liner and roller cover.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not convinced that the fireplace tiles match any more. They are warm tones, where as the wall is cool...something must be done! :-) I made a blog now too. I hadnt really dont much to it other than create it and add a picture, I am working on more pictures: http://nhnovice.blogspot.com
